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Argust 11th, 2011

All photographs this page © 2011 by the respective photographers.

Please click images to view full resolution file as submitted by the photographer.

Tom Hathaway


Taken with an A2F on Plus-X

Earl English


Both were taken with Argus C3, sn 1147041 using Arista Legacy Pro 100 film.
Shutter speed 1/100, f:8 for the small building, and f:16 for the mill.
Processed at home with brew called PCB, process time was 6 minutes at 22º C.
The mill, and outhouse are on US 221, just north of the intersection with US 74, near Forest City, NC
The camera is one of the newest C3's in my little collection, arrived a little over a week ago needing the standard cleaning and recovering. This was the first full roll of film shot with it.

More of Earl's Argus Day 2011 photos can be found here and here.

Reed George


Argus A, Walgreens iso200 print film

Dave Thomas

These are two photos from an Argust 11th spent in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.  I shot Fuji ACROS 100, the first time I have used it in 35mm (I've shot dozens of rolls in 120), and I am fairly pleased with the results.  I used mostly incident metering at ISO 80 and developed in HC110 1+63 ("Dilution H").Unlike last year, I was plagued with a number of multiple exposures; perhaps the distraction of having to dance in and out of a busier than I expected street attempting to get some shots. A larger selection of the thirty-some exposures may be seen at:  http://www.pbase.com/dw_thomas/argust11th2011


#1: "East Penn Motor Club"

Until very recently, this building housed the East Penn Motor Club in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, an affiliate of AAA.  It began life circa
1929 as the Reading Railroad Pottstown freight depot, it is just south of a major passenger station constructed at the same time.  After the loss of considerable industry, Pottstown is beginning to pull itself together, with abandoned industrial sites being rehabilitated or redeveloped along the Schuylkill River corridor.  A branch, the West Campus, of Montgomery County Community College is now located in Pottstown.

#2  "Riverfront Park"

This is a view looking upriver from a trail that parallels the Schuylkill River. Riverfront Park represents a reclamation of some deteriorated industrial area along the river corridor in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.  Only a few blocks from this spot, new condominiums are replacing former industrial buildings and other housing is being fixed up in a historic district.  The town still has a way to go, but that they have been able to do as much as they have over the last few years' economic situation raises some optimism.

Robert Traina


Late 19th century beer hall/faux castle at Glen Island Park, New Rochelle, NY – Argus C33 50mm with CVS 200 film. f11 @ 125.
Fishing for blue stripers at Glen Island Park, New Rochelle, NY – Argus C33 50mm with CVS 200 film. f22 @ 125.

Edmund J. Kowalski

For Argust 11, I cruised a 30 mile stretch of the original "Mother Road," Old Route 66, carrying two Argus metal bodied cameras and seeking remnants of roadside attractions from times past.

"Red Cedar Inn" in Pacific, Missouri, is a very historic structure. Captured with a Model 21 Markfinder on ASA 200 print film. ©2011 Edmund J. Kowalski

"Diamonds" once boasted "The World's Largest Roadside Restaurant." Today all that remains is a large sign in the midst of a commuter parking area. Captured with a C-4 on ASA 200 print film. ©2011 Edmund J. Kowalski.

Additional images from my Argust 11 Adventure can be found at: www.pbase.com/edkowalski/argust11

Rich Reeder


An Argus C44R #1738213435 was used with Plus-X B/W film.  It was developed at home with D-76.  The negatives were scanned at 600 dpi with an Epson V500 Scanner.

#1 is yours truly shaving in the morning, 1/8 sec, f/4.5, Argus 35mm Wide angle lens.  (Yes, I always use a Straight Razor.)

#2 is the Produce section at WalMart where I work part time, 1/30 sec, f/2.8.

Herb Ellis


Argust 11, 2011: Herb Ellis No. 1
With a heat index of 110 today, I decided to stay close to home and shoot some "compositionals." This swimming pool photo was made with my Argus C44r, 35mm Cintagon f4.5 lens, and Argus Variable Power Viewfinder on Fuji ASA 200 print film. This is the sharpest lens in my Argus collection.

Argust 11, 2011: Herb Ellis No. 2
This photo of shadows on the floor was made with my Argus C44r, 35mm f4.5 Cintagon lens, and Argus Variable Power Viewfinder (the one that looks like a TV set) on Fuji ASA 200 print film (print cropped).

Joe Smith


Photos were taken using an Argus C4r at our local Farmers Market. Fuji 400 iso film with 4x neutral density filter so I could rate film at 100 iso. It was a bright sunny day and camera was set at f16 and 125sec.

Ronald Pollack

Pic #1
Subject: Looking into Norfolk Southern's Intermodal Terminal - Pitcairn, PA
Camera: Argus C-44R
Film: Kodak Ektar 100
Lens: 50mm f2.8
f-Stop: 11
Speed: 1/125
Filter: None
Pic #2
Subject:  A switch just outside of Norfolk Southern's Intermodal Terminal (Hot Air Balloon over terminal) - Pitcairn, PA
Camera: Argoflex EF
Film: Kodak T-Max 100 PRO
Lens: 75mm f4.5
f-Stop: 11
Speed: 1/100
Filter: None

Bruce MacLellan


The first picture is of a Greek restaurant in Burnaby BC, the second is of Chemainus on Vancouver Island.

Taken on a C33 with Fuji 200asa print film.

Marty Jacobs


These were taken at Easter Lake park east of Des Moines, Iowa with an Argus Argoflex.  I used Kodak Portra 120 (respooled on a 620 spool, of course).  The Owens Covered Bridge was originally built in 1878 and was moved to Easter Lake by Polk County Conservation in 1968.  It is the only remaining covered bridge in Polk County.

James M. Surprenant


Both Chatham Windmill and Orleans Police were taken with a five speed Argus C3 Colormatic camera (serial no. 1627277) on Efke 25 film. I developed the film in Rodinal 1+50 dillution for the recommended 8 mins. The exposure on the police car was f/5.6 @ 1/100 sec and it was f/8 @ 1/100 sec on the windmill.  I like using 25 ISO Efke because it's slow speed is similar to what was available commercially when the Argus C3 was new.  It's a good match for the shutter speed and aperture range on the brick allowing for narrower depths-of-field producing a nice bokey as seen in the background of the police car photo
©2011 James M. Surprenant

Ellen M. Cosgrove


The photo of the Adirondak chairs was taken on our deck at the Wequasset Golf Resort in Chatham, Massachusetts on Cape Cod and the farm stand photo was taken on Route 6 in nearby Orleans.  Both photos were taken with my Argoflex 75 box camera on Kodak Portra 400 color film.  The film was processed by Dwayne's Photo of Parsons Kansas and the jpegs were scanned from the negatives using an Epson 4990 flatbed scanner.  Contrast and curves were adjusted in Photoshop 6.0.
©2011 Ellen M. Cosgrove

Dan Cluley

An old grain elevator in Mason MI.  Taken with a C-four at dusk.

Richard Heather

Photos from San Luis Obispo, California taken with Argus C44r 35mm lens. Tmax 100 film developed in Rodinal 1:40 8min @70*f.

More photos can be seen at:

Richard Chiriboga

The first picture is a sculpture on a street in Quito, Ecuador. I took it using Argus C3 (Cleaned and tuned by Ed Kowalski.)The second is a fountain on the same street as the first picture. 200ASA sunny 16!

Diana Chiriboga


The first is an Archway looking up Calle Garcia Moreno. The second is La Ronda. The street really comes alive at night with restaurants, music and all kinds of jewelry for sale. Pictures taken with the Kowalski C3 using Sunny 16.

Les Hall

Camera C4R
200 sec @ f11.
Location: Columbia, SC
Late evening
Title, "Evening, just before the storm."

William Hamblen

Argus C3, Fujifilm 1600.

Wesley Furr


On Argust 11, I found myself in the perfect situation for classic Argus photography.  My wife and I were on beautiful Ocracoke Island, NC on a slightly belated 10th anniversary getaway...without the kids!  I rode my bike around on the hot afternoon in search of the perfect shots.  I was very pleased with the results.  The Drive Real, Real SLOW sign is posted on historic (shell lined) Howard street.  On a storefront porch on Silver Lake harbor I found a gentleman strumming away while relaxing on a beautiful summer afternoon.

I have posted all the other worthwhile photos that I took at http://www.megley.com/photos/argus/argust11/.

Photos were taken with an Argus C3 on Fuji 200 speed film.