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Argust 20th, 2020

All photographs this page © 2020 by the respective photographers.

Please click images to view full resolution file as submitted by the photographer.

Michael Khan


Darmstadt, Germany

Richard Heather


I used an Argoflex 40 (pseudo TLR with a"real" shutter f-stops and focus). I had to re-learn to respool 120 to 620. I almost had the emulsion on the wrong side. I tried to load the spool in the dark because I was not sure it was tight enough. I did need to use light to get it in. Kodak t-Max 100 film. Exposures mostly "sunny 16" 100/sec at f16 outdoors. It was a very smoky and hazy day in California. I did use a spotmeter indoors 1/10 @f4.5. Outdoor negs somewhat overexposed but no problem for the scanner. Not your sharpest tool but not bad for its day.

Melvyn Buckpitt


These are two images from my C3 Matchmatic which I took as I wandered around MIT in the heat and humidity of a New England summer to celebrate Argust day.

The first image is of Henry Moore's Reclining Figure. This is a smaller-scale working model for the sculpture located at Lincoln Center in New York City. The sculpture is set on the front lawn of MIT.

The second image is the MIT campus, showing the great dome.

These were shot using Kodak Double X 200 iso film. I developed them using FA-1027 @ 20C for 10.5 mins and digitized them using a Nikon D750 with 105mm f2.8 macro lens

William Hamblen

Just one picture made on an Argus C44R, f/1.9 50 mm Cintagon, Kodak Portra 400, developed at home using the Unicolor powder C-41 kit from the FPP store, Epson 4990 scanner, Vuescan and Corel Aftershot Pro.  The polar bears once graced the front of an ice cream parlor in the '20s and '30s, then stood in front of a home on Edgehill Ave., and now are at the corner of Edgehill Ave. and 12th Ave. S., Nashville, TN, near the Gernert Studio Apartments. The bears have been the mascot of the Edgehill neighborhood for as long as I can remember.

Dave Thomas


For Argust 20th Ye Olde Photographer started by checking out a tiny railroad station on the former Reading Railroad East Penn branch in Mertztown, PA. It's likely five decades since passengers were seen on this line, but it is still a seriously active Norfolk-Southern freight route.  The shooting was done with the C-3 purchased new at the end of 1957 or so. YOP used a 20 exposure roll of Kodak Panatomic-X spooled off a bulk roll that expired in December 1988. Having documented the station, and having wiped out the short roll, some Tmax 400 was loaded and we drove up the road to the thriving burg of Macungie. The town has a flower park and a train watching platform(!) on the site of a former hotel next to the same N-S railroad line. Alas, in over an hour there was no more rail traffic, so after a photo walk-thru of the park, homeward we went. The C-3 was opened in the darkroom and the Tmax film was snipped off, saving the remaining two dozen unexposed frames for another day.

Both rolls were developed in Kodak HC110, 1+63 dilution (separately to allow different developing times). The negatives were scanned for these submissions. A larger selection may be seen at https://pbase.com/dw_thomas/argust20th2020, as well as some digital color shots -- especially nice for the flower park which was a spectacular sight.

The first picture shows Mertztown Station (in Mertztown, between Topton and Alburtis, Berks County  Pennsylvania!)  During this exercise, an SW bound N-S freight rumbled through here with SIX locomotives on the head end, a real ground shaker.

The second picture shows one of several lamp posts in the Macungie Flower Park which pleased me. The volunteer gardners who maintain the place obviously know what they are doing.

There were a few customary annoyances with winding/not winding film, and of course Covid Cautions, but the weather was quite nice and all in all it was a good Argus day!

Edmund J. Kowalski
High Ridge, Missouri, USA


"Carondelet Boathouse," Argus/Cosina STL with Argus Auto/Cintar f:2 / 55mm lens and fresh Kodak 200 film. Carondelet is one of the larger parks in the city of St. Louis. I had fantastic weather, and was able to avoid any crowds. Film developing was at home with Caffenol, common simple safe ingredients. This renders all films as a monotone, and my preference is to add a digital Sepia tint after scanning the negatives.

"Little Angel," reconstructed Argus C-four Geiss Modified with normal f:2.8 / 50mm lens and out of date freezer stock Fuji 200 film. To finish my film I stopped at St. Martin's Cemetery in High Ridge. Film developing was also at home with Caffenol.

To see more of my Argust 20 photos, go to my gallery here:
All images are ©2020 EmundJ.Kowalski

John Strieb


Taken with Argus C-4, Costco 400 film from freezer. Setting ASA 300, red 8 on the car  wheel, lesser number on my car, not sure which setting. First use of this camera, not really sure how the 400 film would turn out. Pictures turned out pretty good except for focusing (my issue). Camera compensated for my insecurity on getting the correct settings. Was a Sunny hot day in San Antonio. Found a place called Digital ProLab here in San Antonio to develop. Back in 3 days. For $20 got prints, CD, and negatives. Very pleased.

Ron Pollack


Pic #1
Subject: Downtown Pittsburgh, taken from Mount Washington.
Camera: Argus C Forty-Four
Film: Kodak Ektar 100
Lens: 35mm
f-Stop: 16
Speed: 1/125

Pic #2
Subject:  PPG Place Complex (Built 1983)
Camera: Argus C Forty-Four
Film: Kodak Ektar 100
Lens: 35mm
f-Stop: 16
Speed: 1/125

Steven Wagner


Perry Bain


I didn't have the opportunity to do a special trip for Argus Day this year, so I just loaded up a camera and went for an afternoon walk around town. My photos are of the Grafton Inn, and of a "MEMA Rapid Response Vehicle" at the local Massachusetts State Police Museum. I'm sure the vehicle must have some interesting history, but I couldn't find out anything about it, and the museum is closed for now.  The photos were taken with my Argoflex 40. I used Ilford FP4 Plus film, developed with Ifosol 3, and then "scanned" by photographing the negatives with a Pentax KP camera.

James Surprenant


Fortunate enough to be able to work from home during the pandemic, I took my favorite C3 camera, a 1948 seven speed variant, S/N 233428 loaded with Ilford Pan F+ 50 for a lunchtime walk through my hometown of Cheshire, Connecticut. I developed the film in Rodinol, scanned the negatives with my Epson 4990 flatbed scanner, and then tinted the images in Photoshop.  Please read my Argus Day 20 blog entry and see the rest of my photographs here: https://ab1dq.com/2020/09/01/argus-day-at-20/.

DO NOT ENTER:  I loved the cracked and gritty texture of this street sign, details a motorist wouldn't typically see from their car.
FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: First organized in 1724 and located on the town green, First Congregational is one of Cheshire's most famous sites.

Ellen Cosgrove


Hydrangeas are my favorite flower, and this is my favorite time of year when they are in bloom.  What I love about photography is its ability to make permanent something that is temporal - our loved ones now passed as well as birthdays, holidays and vacations from years ago live on through photography.  This year my subject for my two Argus Day entries are the same hydrangea bush in our garden, but shot with two different Argus cameras. 
HYDRANGEA NO. 1 was shot with the same Argus C3 that my husband James used on Argus Day.
HYDRANGEA NO. 2 was shot with my mid-60s brown body Argus 75 box camera, which was loaded with 400 ISO B&W film, also developed in Rodinol and colorized in Photoshop.

Dan Mouer


These are two shots made from the same spot with my Argus/Cosina STL1000 and Kodak Portra 400 film. These are views from the old City Docks on the James River looking upstream at the skyline of Richmond, Virginia. The wide shot was made with a Super-Takumar 35mm f3.5 lens. The long shot is with a 100mm F2.8 "Focal" lens. Focal was a proprietary brand name used by K-Mart. I believe this lens was made in Japan by Soligor.

Rich Reeder


Here are the two Argust 20th photos.  I used a garden variety 1955 Argus C3, #1405790, on Ilford FP4+ film, developed in HC-100e.

Left Image:  8.20.2020.  1/25, f/8, Model of 1917 Curtiss Jenny. Yellow filter.  X-flash.  7.5'.  I like to make balsa & paper models, about 1:16 scale.  I've got a few in the 'Museum Room' of the house (one of the bedrooms), mostly kits, but I've always wanted to build a Curtiss JN-4D Jenny.  I got a hold of some Cleveland Model plans, & just started in.  All of the formers, ribs, etc, need to be cut out of the basla sheet by hand, but I enjoy it, & it keeps me off the streets.  This is the fuselage, prior to covering with tissue paper.

Right:  8.20.2020.  4 sec, f/16, My brother's boat in backyard.  15'.  He is selling his place near Show Low, & needed a place to park his boat.  As you can see, he nestled it under the orange trees.  A big rain (we needed it) came through here several days later, & pert'near filled that boat up with water.  I got a plastic hose, & siphoned it off.  High adventure here in Mesa.

Wesley Furr


Argust 20th fell on a county fair week day again this year.  Due to COVID, activities were severly curtailed compared to a normal year, with attendance likely numbering in the hundreds rather than the thousands.  Many young poeople in the area spend the year leading up to the fair raising livestock to show and sell at the fair.  Thankfully, the show went on, with the focus of the fair this year being its agricultural roots, and missing all the usual entertainment and rides.

I went with my old standby Argus C-3 and shot on Fuji 200 film.  I'm fortunate to have a nearby 1-hour photo place that still processes film in 1 hour, so they did process-only and I scanned the negatives with a Nikon LS-2000 film scanner.

The first photo is of a group of young people showing their sheep.  The second is one of the goats in the barns.  I think the goats are the most interesting of all the animals to be seen at the fair, or at least have the most personality.

You can see the rest of my photos at http://www.megley.com/photos/argus/argust20

Bruce MacLellan


Photos taken Argust day 2020 with a Argus 40 on Foma 100. Developed with Blazinol (Rodinal) 1/50.
Pictures are of a 'slightly' deteriorated mural on a local building, and a topiary crocodile at the Eileen Dailly Leisure Pool & Fitness Centre.
Both places here in North Burnaby BC, within walking distance.

Bob Kelly


Got my Argust Day prints from Dewayne's.

I am using a 42mm Mount Argus C3 converted for me by Ed.

We have been working on getting the focus working with several different 42mm mount lenses.  Seems like I may have it figured out now.

Photos are of Pam's garden shed and Our backyard waterfall.

All exposures at f8, 1/170 with the Fujinon 55mm

Diana Chiriboga-Flor


Location: Bancroft's Castle, Massachusetts

Camera: Argus CR - 3E

Film: 200 ISO

The Nose of the Poodle
Aperature: f/4.0
Shutter Speed: 1/125

Twirling Focus
Aperature: f/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/500

Richard Chiriboga


Left - This is the famous Bancroft Castle, located on top of Gibbet Hill in Groton, MA. i took it with an
Argus C3 Standard (from the free table) using sunny 16. Fuji 200 asa at f16!!! I took a roll to develop with caffenol, but I haven't done it yet...

Right - This is, of course, a quintessential New England church located on Main Street in Groton, MA. Argus C3 Standard fuji 200 f16 at shutter speed 200 +or -...

Cheryl Chidester


These were taken on may pond with an Argus C4.

J. Ed Baker


I must apologise for the soft focus in the pictures. I was using my C4 Geiss and must have inadvertantly moved the rangefinder wheel last time I changed lenses. Both photos exposed Sunny 16.
First photo is my wife, Bethany, on the rocks of Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Pa.

Second photo is also at Devil's Den. This is where Alexander Gardener moved a deceased soldier for what is probably the best known photo of the dead at Gettysburg.

Ron DeBlock


For Argust Day 20 I took photos of some interesting/unusual things in my neighborhood here in Northwest New Jersey, USA.

Photo 1 is my next door neighbor's mailbox.  It is a well known landmark, if I tell locals "I live next door to the Snoopy house" they know exactly where I live.

Photo 2 is part of the art & craft works that are displayed in front of another neighbor's house.

Camera was my Argus C3 with 50mm lens that my father bought new in 1956.  Film was Fuji Superia 400 Xtra.  Developed and scanned by Dwayne's Photo.

Tom Hathaway

Taken on a foggy Argus Day morning at Craggy Gardens along the Blue Ridge Parkway, just north of Asheville, NC with an Argus C3.

Dixon Miller


Spending August in New York, I went to Astoria Park, along the east bank of the East River in Queens, on that sunny Thursday the 20th, for some bridge tower views.  I shot these with an Argus C4 (with standard 50mm Cintar) loaded with Kodak Tri-X 400, using a deep yellow G filter.

1.  The first shot is of the east tower of the Hell Gate Bridge, a railroad bridge opened in 1917 that spans the Hell Gate strait of the East River between Queens and Wards Island — 1/50 sec, f/8.

2.  The second shot shows the west tower of the Triborough Bridge, opened in 1936, in its span of the same strait, with an NYPD boat and part of a barge in the foreground, and Manhattan in the distance — 1/300 sec, f/11.